My trip to Vegas

vegasLast month in celebration of my 50th birthday my older sister came down to Hollywood and kidnapped me for a little trip to Las Vegas. It was a much needed vacation and I really needed to get away for a short spell to unwind and have a little bit of fun. My only regret is that I did not take very many pictures.

Got to see some really cool things and blow some money as well, only dropped around $100 at the casinos as I am not much for gambling and more interested in seeing the sights.

Checked out Heart Attack Grill but I chickened out, I can certainly put away some groceries but this was beyond crazy even for me.

Now with all of this in mind and without further elaboration I thought that I would share one of my favorite ZZ Top tunes which is basically a very wonderful cover of Viva Las Vegas which was first sung by Elvis Presley, and while Elvis did a great job with this song, in my ever so humble opinion I think that ZZ Top hit it right out of the park with their rendition of it.

Sorry Elvis!

Viva Las Vegas

The Vegas Pics

  • Downtown Las Vegas or as I like to call it, the City of Lost Wages

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