PC Blues got you down?

Has that PC got you down? Well, the Doctor is in!!! Well maybe I can help you out with it. I build them, I troubleshoot them and I fix them and people say that I am pretty good. And the best part is that I won’t charge you an arm and a leg either plus […]

Now here is something a little bit crazy

Some technology called Arduino, which I sure as hell do not have a clue what it is, is something a friend of mine posted on his Facebook page about a creation one of his friends came up with for a bra. All I can say is that you gotta see it for yourself.

Hi All!

I was bored with the way my site looked and aggravated with the server at the same time so I decided to switch to WordPress for this site since it is mainly a blog site anyhow where I can share my random musings and ramblings with whomever decides to stop by and check things out